Tuesday, November 23, 2010

DNA Fingerprinting


1. DNA is unique for everyone. The only exception is if a person has what?
Except if someone is an identical twin.

2. What are DNA fingerprints used for?
To determine who did what at a crime scene or a forensic site.

Part 1 “It Takes a Lickin”

3. What “crime” was committed?
Someone broke an entering into his room and licked his lollipop.

4. What bodily fluid was removed from the “crime scene” to get DNA?
Saliva was removed.

Part 2 “DNA Fingerprinting at the NOVA Lab”

5. What does a restriction enzyme do?
It cuts the long DNA molecule at certain places.

6. What is agarose gel?
A thick porous jello-like substance that acts like a strainer.

7. What is electrophoresis?
It is the process of moving molecules along an electric current.

8. Smaller fragments of DNA move more easily than longer strands.

9. Why do you need to place a nylon membrane over the gel?
The gel is hard to work with so you transfer the DNA to the nylon membrane.

10. Probes attach themselves to the nylon membrane.

11. Which chemical in your “virtual lab” is radioactive?
The probes which are radioactively labeled.

12. Sketch your DNA fingerprint.






13. Based on your DNA fingerprint, who licked the lollipop?
Honey Sweet

Click on the Link “DNA Workshop” (if this link won't load, scroll down to the bottom where it says "try the non-java script version)
Once you’re there, go to the link “DNA Workshop Activity” and practice with DNA replication and protein synthesis.

Browse the DNA Workshop site.

14. What kinds of things could you do at the DNA workshop?

You can do activities and research about famous geneticists.

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